
Upcoming events

See below a selection of events where I shared my work.

Tantric Dance to Bliss Workshop at Beyond Bliss Festival
Ubud, Bali April 2023

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“Welcome, everyone! Today, I am not here alone, I have a whole team supporting me.
Today, we are going through a journey where we are going to connect with our sensual-sexual energy, and you will get out of here with 7 ideas on how to make love. You can arrange your 7 dates with your lover or partner.
Once you have felt it in your body, I will invite you to connect with another person and observe how does that changes what you feel within you? Can you hold it? Do you adapt? How can you react to it?
Afterwards, I will invite you to sit in a meditation and guide through what love making looks like at each of the 7 energetic centers.
How much you choose to put of yourself into the practice, it will be as much as you get out of it. So I invite you to be fully present.
Remember, everybody is here on their own journey, and we are here as allies to support each other’s journey.”

Tantric Polarities Workshop:
Inner Feminine and Masculine
at Humanifest Festival
Portugal, August 2023

What a wonderful moment… at 2hour session with over 200 people where we dove deep into connection to the Shakti (Feminine) and Shiva (Masculine) energies to empower the inner masculine and feminine, the sacred union within.
The Masculine within us allows us to be strong, take action, think logically, make assertive decisions, and be goal oriented. In excess or unbalance, it is associated with burnout, stress, and lack of emotional connection with self and others.
The Feminine within has the beautiful qualities of intuition, nourishing, creative expression, openness to receive, allowing to slow down, listen to the body, and connect with emotions. When out of balance, it brings procrastination, absence of direction, and putting other’s needs before the self.
The moment you can fully embody both in our life (the inner union), we stop relating to others from a place of needing something we do not have, but rather from a place of fullness within and desire for connection from a healthy polarity dynamic.

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Bali Tantra Retreat & Introduction to Tantra Massage
February 2023

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How does touch, body contact, heart, love, sensuality, sexuality, energy, vitality and inner peace connect to each other? Tantra is a path where sensual and sexual energies are raised to energize and give vitality to the body which can then be transformed into creativity, work, action, affection, compassion, peaceful communication, harmony within, intuition and connection with love.

Aphrodite Retreat
Arrabida - Portugal, September 2022

The goddess and gods of love, beauty and sexuality support us in creating this shamanic held temple space created specially to inspire an uprising of freedom and unity in our lives.
This temple is a conscious liberating space of inspiration, where we can embody and explore our unique contribution to the art and poetry of the temple space. Theatre, music poetry and other artistic offerings will be welcomed and delight the goddess and gods.
Taking time to connect and play with our inner masculine and feminine energies allows us to center deeper into ourselves before stepping forward into nourishing Eros medicine with others.

Tantra & Contact Temple
Tenerife, October 2022

After a full day workshop diving into the Female light and dark & Male light and dark energies, exploring the femine and male hunting paths, we dove into an intimate space held amazingly by @alex.dzin where we used the basis of contact improvisation to create a space of body awareness and connection allowing to interaction with others through touch in a non-verbal space.
After this deep, intense and present interactions, finished the night holding hands, praying and offering the love, the learnings and the energy created to the universe and the greater good all all beings! This is how we raise se.xual energy and than transform it! Using out greatest power to grow and create world with more move and kindness. When you have a taste of what it feels to live from the heart and how is possible in 2 days to create a magical community space of intimacy you will feel the drive to create more magic in your life and to the ones around you by just being you!
The day after we did first an Himalayan kriya yoga session, then a delicious brunch followed by a deep sharing circle where we learn the magical and difference things that happened in the deep universe of each person. It is quite amazing to learn how in the same space people can be undergoing such different processes!
After we finished with a talk of the Multiorgamisc path for man and woman, starting the the 9 types of female orgasm!

Awakening Sensuality & Inner Power through the Elements
Arrabida, Portugal October 2023

The Highlights were:
• The Tantric Dance to Bliss
• Dynamic Sensual Massage
• Tantric Temple Night
• Letting go of what no longer serves you ritual during Ecstatic Dance by the pool
• Himalayan Kriya Yoga & Tantric Breathing practices

Temptress Retreat
with Arja Hendrikx
Bali, December 2023

I was assisting my dear friend Arja in a secret temple where women united for 6 days to learn the deeper secrets of tantric sexuality. We were initiated into sacred practices that don’t only make you feel more confident & powerful in your sexuality, it will make your lovemaking more precious, mind blowing, and profound. In this temple, our erotic expression is celebrated as a form of art. It was about luxuriating in our divinity and flirting with the Goddess herself.

Tantric Retreat
together with Lydia Müller
Arrabida, Portugal, April 2021

Conscious Sexuality: Intimacy & Connection with João Mar
Lisbon, Portugal, November 2021

It was an honour to be invited by João Mar to assist him in this 2 day workshop where we celebrated our sensuality and creativity and became more comfortable in your interactions with others.
We have yourself permission to receive (and give) in nourishing ways. We brought awareness to those areas in your life where you want to create change. We were encouraged to playfully interact with others from a place of innocence and transparency.
We learned how to bring awareness to possible blocked emotions and find ways to release & transform them. We increased self-confidence, consciousness and the ability to express what you truly want and need.
Brought loving awareness to the way you relate to our body, our emotions, our mind and our heart. Deepen verbal and non-verbal ways to better communicate who we truly are and what we want/need at each moment. Deepen our exploration of your sensual, playful & innocent side in empowering, fun & juicy ways. Deep dive into the beauty & magic of connecting to others from that open and authentic space.

Dynamic Sensual Massage Workshop
Zurich, August 2023

Giving and receiving touch in a sacred and consensual space. Discover the profound connection between sensuality and healing as you explore the art of touch, releasing tension, and nurturing one another with love and respect.

Tantric Polarities - Day Retreat
Lisbon, August 2023

If you have a personal development/ self-growph mindset, you will be curious about the fact that we all have both these energies inside of us regardless of our gender identity. When they are in balance with in, they contribute to a more balanced, fullfilling, and joyful life.
Exploring our Feminine and Masculine energies within ourselves, along with their Light and Dark side, giving us an increased awareness in our relationships. By working with our masculine & feminine energies, we will explore the polarities within us and how we tend to relate to others from our chosen polarity point. Taking time to connect and play with our inner masculine and feminine energies allows us to centre deeper into ourselves before stepping forward into our intamate connections.