Filipa Moniz

Yoni Healing & Tantra Massage Therapist
Love & Intimacy Coach
Health & Medical Scientist

Discover a life where sex gives you physical, mental and emotional energy to create your dreams in this life, to attract to you all that you want, to live in magic and bliss, to trust life deeply, to feel passion and aliveness, to love yourself so so much!

Bringing love making and connection to your body to the next level.

Do you have or conquered all the things society, or your parents or friends told you you would have to do to be successful and happy, yet you feel dead inside? Constant feeling that there is something missing? There must be something else? A constant search or trying to find pleasure and happiness in people, experiences, comfort or beauty?

Well, I know exactly what you are going through, have been there, have found the depth of depression when I had everything I wanted! Yes, you are right there is more…

I found through connecting to my body and my soul to a depth I did not know was possible and I want to support you in your own journey to find it for yourself.

I am single and do not have anyone to make love with… even better! It starts by learning to make love to the self, discovering your wants, needs, desires… Totally possible to do it alone, with a coach, in a group of same sex and in a group with mixed genders.

I have a wide variety of experiences I have been incorporating through the years. I have been investing in my personal development, having mentors, coaches attending workshops and retreats for more than 10 years and I am delighted to guide you through this journey of discovering how to live life to the full potential, aligned with what makes you feel excited, have fun and alive. Trust me, you will thrive by doing the things you are meant to be doing!

You don’t know yet what that is, well, that is also why I am here… to support you finding out what that is…

With Love,



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