
Are you ready to transform your love life and intimacy? Discover what 1:1 online coaching can do for you. Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment? Sessions will be based on the teachings of personal development, Yoga, Tantra and Meditation, as well as an integrative approach from my background in Biomedical Science.

What to expect

Personalized Approach: Experience tailored coaching sessions designed to address your specific needs, whether it’s improving relationships, deepening intimacy, enhancing overall well-being, or empowering the discovery of your own sexuality.
Expert Guidance: Benefit from my experience and receive expert guidance and support every step of the way.

  • 10 Years of Health Science Studies – UK, Italy, Australia, USA and Switzerland
  • 200h Yoga teacher training – House of OM Yoga School Bali
  • 50h Himalayan Kriya Yoga teacher training from Samten Kriya Bali
  • Tantra Teacher Training – AUM Tantra School Italy
  • Classical Tantra Massage Training – Pola Vida Portugal
  • 110h Cashmere and Tao Tantra massage training – Tantra Essence School Bali
  • Tantric Temptress Training – Arja Hendrix Bali
  • ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) level 1 in Portugal, ISTA level 2 Austria graduate, and level 2 assistant in Bali
  • SkyDancing Tantra School – Great Union Training – Margot Ananda France
  • Reiki Level 1 – Yoga Braga Portugal
  • Mindfulness Training – Switzerland
  • Living Tantra Retreat assistant from Embodied Academy
  • Integrative approach: Where your 5 bodies are taking into consideration: physical, emotional, energetic, sexual and spiritual bodies, to foster deep transformation.
  • Confidential Support: Enjoy a safe and confidential space to explore your deepest desires, challenges, and goals without judgment, building trust and openness in your journey.
  • Flexible Sessions: Access coaching sessions from the comfort of your own home, with flexible scheduling options to accommodate your busy lifestyle and commitments.
  • CTA: Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? Contact me today to schedule your 1:1 online coaching session and take the first step towards a more fulfilling, pleasurable, joyful, happy and empowered life.



Online coaching 1 session (2 hours): 151€
Pack of 5 sessions (10 hours): 666€

Coaching in person 1 session (2 hours): 202€

Coaching in person 5 sessions (10 hours): 929€

Online coaching 5 sessions + massage
pack (3 sessions): 1198€ (10% discount)

Coaching in person 5 sessions + massage
package (3 sessions): 1435€ (10% discount)

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About me
